We are Gma’s Community Kitchen
We are a National Lottery funded CIC, supporting asylum seekers, who have fled some of the world's most dangerous places. Through the power of community and food, we create a safe space for asylum seekers & refugees to eat, be seen, heard and celebrated. Our integrated community moments hold the long term goal of fostering understanding and empathy for this wrongly stigmatized community. We practice interdependence as a tool to enrich the lives of those we work with, amongst asylum seekers, refugees and our incredible network of volunteers.
We believe in a world that is no longer a binary space of this or that, him or her, old or young, those with or those without… but a revolving cycle of us. You eat, We Eat, Everyone eats.
We Eat, You Eat, Everybody Eat -
We Eat, You Eat, Everybody Eat -
Discover more of what we do
Our work is the sum of many small acts of kindness, we see them all and are so grateful.